What women want - digital footprints that follow them


Sorry, but could not resist this one for a Friday. Honest there is a link to digital footprints.  Given the previous blog about PeekYou – you are left asking how difficult the connection becomes and what happens if you want to break it.

Here is the article http://ilovewhatwomenwant.blogspot.com/2010/06/married-women-should-say-i-dont-to.html

When we all think of the giant step of marriage, the last thing that comes to mind is the name change- but little do most of us know that it's probably the most important issue that could either make or break your career status.  Studies show that women who choose to take their partner's name are regarded as more caring but less competent, less intelligent, and less ambitious - They are also less likely to be hired for a job and will earn much less than those who choose to keep their own name.

For example:
"Jo-Anne Stayner, co-founder of I’m a Mrs, a Vancouver-based name-change service company, said a growing number of Canadian women are choosing to hold onto their maiden names as a “trade name” but adopt their partner’s name on passports, bank accounts and other official documents. “That’s all because of digital footprint,” she explained. If you change your name, “you have to start over from scratch when it comes to your digital footprint, and I think that’s a really big one for people that have worked so hard in establishing themselves in their careers.”

Some noble high profile women who have kept their own name include: Sandra Bullock, Courtney Cox Arquette, and Halle Berry... just to name a few.

What are your thoughts? Would you give up a budding career just to take on your partner's name? or are you the type to hold onto a small part of your independence in order to save your digital footprint and career?