Mobile Megatrends by @visionmobile - but misses digital footprint value

As I would expect this is a very insightful presentation ahead of MWC and Nokia announcements from Andreas Constantinou of Vision Mobile.   Why is mobile so important, as most of your digital footprint will come from mobile and for many in the world it is the only device that will create their footprint - it is shame that this point is not made.


Mobile has benefitted for over 20 years from the forced upgrade due to the arrival of new sexy shinny things, more minutes, more text and finally more data.  As users migrate to "same" hardware, updated apps and OS offer the new and value/ control migrates away from networks and handsets. What this presentation says is that the value is now in OS/ Software/ Apps and not in Hardware, however, my opinion is that the battle will be fought for your data and locking in your digital footprint is a strategy that Apple and Google understand.


scenarios that are wrestling for prime position include:

Worship - this is the Apple fan boys club.  We give all control to one player as they know best for us

Open - the deep tech heads and geeks who will pick and choose what they want from whom they want, when they want

Private - those who want to hide and remain hidden

Time - selling your soul to anyone to gain personalisation, context, services and value

Wise - selective and thoughtful

Lemming - the great unwashed who hope that one of the above find a perfect solution and can follow




