Know What Your Customers Want Before They Do


Artwork: Rachel Perry Welty, Lost in My Life (Playmobil), 2010, pigment print 

HBR has an article about Know What Your Customers Want Before They Do  - you need to register to read it in full …. But well worth it –

There is also an article in Ad Age on the same theme "Here's My Personal Data, Marketers. What Do I Get For it?"

however if in a rush, here is the summary.

I like the article as it mirrors the ideals and principals of “My Digital Footprint”

-          because of your data we know what you want to do before you do

-          we can effect / distort your buying behaviour

-          loyalty is not rewarding customers for behavioural change

-          we can make it better/ easier/ faster

-          the model is collect data, store data, analyse data, understand the gaps between analysis and action, close the feedback loop, gain more control

-          customer is now on both sides of a business – creating data and consuming the analysis

-          The customer ( you and me) are in control….