Resource - thoughts about your digital self after your body stops working

So the infographic is from  An Australian comparison site for insurance, therefore looking for hits and sales  :) They have a walk through webpage that talks to :

  • Digital Privacy After Death - What Will Happen To Your Online Profile When You're Gone?
  • Why You Should Get a Digital Will & A Digital Executor
  • Personality Predictors + Artificial Intelligence = Digital Resurrections
  • What Will Be Determined to be of Digital Importance & How Will it be Preserved?

It is a good resource and well researched and I am delighted that they touched on issues for business owners, however, all Will’s become public at death so please don’t put your identity and passwords in any document.  Further the site does not address the thorny issue of “shared”  accounts. This could be the family email account that is in the name of the person who died.

<br />Produced by Life Insurance Finder