Future of Facebook Project: Society Video from @VENESSAMIEMIS


http://futureoffacebook.com/ Facebook is a social phenomenon that’s sweeping the globe, enabling people to connect across geographic and cultural boundaries, share information, and build meaning and value together in new ways. What are the implications of a technology relentlessly embedding itself into our everyday social fabric?

Contributors include Kevin Kelly (What Technology Wants, founder Wired), David Kirkpatrick (author The Facebook Effect), Howard Rheingold (author Smart Mobs), Nova Spivack (web innovator, co-founder Bottlenose), futurist Jamais Cascio, Doug Rushkoff (author Program or Be Programmed), Doc Searls (Berkman Center, author The Cluetrain Manifesto), social network research pioneer Valdis Krebs, cyborg anthropologist Amber Case, web anthropologist Stowe Boyd, innovation strategist Chris Arkenberg, Suzanne Fischer (curator Henry Ford Museum).

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTbboNQ31Ig]