Social TV and the second screen from @StoweBoyd
I have done several talks and debates on this topic – here is the most recent write up from mashup* - Social TV is a major disruption in the rapidly changing “home ecosystem” industry.
The outcome from that event mirrors this report as well….
Stowe Boyd free report “Social TV and the second screen“, characterises the forces at work in the emergence of social TV, presents a framework for understanding the changes that are already at work in the industry, and profiles some of the most innovative companies in the sector.
“The most significant change — from the perspective of the user, at least — will be shift in emphasis toward a rich and social user experience, and a decrease in the emphasis around the content being delivered via TV. This doesn’t mean that people will stop caring about high quality TV: they will still care about quality. But users will demand that TV content fit into the social context.”
and here is the April 12 Neilson study
Even more data and presentation from Mobile Grove, Alan Moore, Smart Report