For Data We Need a Story !
I believe ….. that it is impossible to give users “control” over their data
I know ….. that we can give some users some controls over some data
my gut ….. thinks users generally don’t care about privacy and I have research that says the do and the don’t
my instinct ….. confirms users generally don’t care about their data and I have research that says the do and the don’t
my vision ….. says it should not matter if users care or not about data and privacy, I should uphold the highest possible professional and moral standards
my issue ….. is that data can be used to manipulate and exploit and that it presented in a wrapper of loyalty and benefits
I want ….. to refute/refuse or accept that I am as predictable as my data; after am I not human!
my desire ….. is to have a better balance between supply and demand (aka VRM)
my problem ….. is regulation, law, directive and power
my frustration ….. is that those with lower risk have higher authority and that limits my own personal reach, scope, creativity and aspiration with digital data (SOPA)
my annoyance ….. is created by those with a higher risk propensity and a-can-do attitude that want to take me beyond my own boundaries of expectation using my data (Facebook)
my prisoners dilemma ….. what should I do?
my conclusion …… Help me work on our story !