Learning to get comfortable with sensorship

Chuck Hollis from EMC wrote a great blog “Learning to get comfortable with sensorship” –

As the blog starts “No, that's not a typo, but a twist of a clever phrase that our own Thom Lytle used to describe our increasing participation in sensor networks of all kinds.”
I one hundred percent agree that we are the sensor and have written about it many times and you cannot escape it.  You are either generating the data yourself on your devices, you data about you is being captured by someone else.  Bottom line: there is no way I can participate in modern life with being an unwitting participant in untold dozens of information gathering exercises.  
Me?  I am with Chuck, JP, Jeff Jarvis and many others on this and I've decided to embrace my sensorship.  
The potential for bad is far outweighed by the potential for good -- both for me as an individual, and for me as a member of society.  I choose to be sensored. There will be occasional unpleasant experiences ahead I'm sure, but understanding that and agreeing to face what may come puts me at ease to a certain extent. Besides, the alternatives are far worse :)