
Showing posts from November, 2012

John Wilbanks: Let's pool our medical data

Why The Digital You Matters


Google, data and the US electrons

just amazing stats and data

David Pizarro: The strange politics of disgust

what you can do with data....

David Pizarro: The strange politics of disgust

what you can do with data....

The Federal Digital Strategy


The Federal Digital Strategy


The Federal Digital Strategy


Privacy by design from Dr. Cavoukian Ontario Privacy commissioner

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What is a personal disaster recovery plan?

Companies have disaster recovery plans for data back-up, storage, and recovery. When thinking about identity fraud and in the aftermath of hurricane Sandy, do we need a personal disaster recovery plan and what would it look like? Whilst most certificates you can get again there is some personal items and data you cannot get back and a quick document scan stored in a secure way or a picture will save a lot of time later...... Personal data that CAN be recovered but it takes time and a little thought will save you a lot of pain. Certificates for you and your family : Birth, death, marriage, school exams, degree and professional Medical data for you, your family and your pets ā€“ #numbers, medication, illnesses, injuries, drugs, reactions, allergies Financial data, bank accounts, credit cards, stocks and shares, insurance (house, car, life), and recent tax returns Loyalty and reward cards Your contacts for friends and family Websites and Passwords Personal data that CANN...