
Showing posts from April, 2014

Big Data Value initiative from the EU - asking for input on focus

Share your views - Public Consultation on the Big Data Value Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda now open! The European Technology Platform for Software and Services NESSI, together with partners from the FP7 project Big, have drafted a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) on Big Data Value. The objective of the SRIA is to describe the main research challenges and needs for advancing Big Data Value in Europe in the next 5 to 10 years. The SRIA will be an important channel for providing input to the European Big Data Value Partnership that aims to establish a Public Private Partnership on Big Data Value. The goal of the Big Data Value contractual Public Private partnership (cPPP) is to increase the amount of productive European economic activities and the number of European jobs that depend on the availability of high quality data assets and the technologies needed to derive value from them. This survey is open to all and will be accessibl...

Why do consumers only care about identifiers?

Tony Fish @My Digital Footprint I posted this yesterday , and been thinking in this world of digital identity, why do consumers only really care about identifies rather than other aspects of identity. By identifies I mean ā€¦. Unique identifies [health number, social security number, NI, bank account number, driver licence number, passport number, phone number, IMEI number, SIM number etc etc (Kaliya describes this as an end point)] ā€“ people are worried about this mostly for unique identity fraud purposes but mix what is possible with what is sensational. If uniqueā€¦. far easier to detect fraud. Context identifies  [name, address, date of birth, home town, post code, aliments, age, likes, friends, employment, number plate]  these are semi unique, confusion is possible with a small number of data points. Consumers worry about this data set but you cannot be uniquely identified by only your name ā€“ there are a few exceptions I know, but the worry is because it is w...

A Visualization of Everything Gmail Knows About You and Your Friends

  When Google hands over e-mail records to the government, it includes basic envelope information, or metadata, that reveals the names and e-mail addresses of senders and recipients in your account. The FEDS can then mine that information for patterns that might be useful in a law-enforcement investigation.   What kind of relationships do they see in an average account? Researchers at MIT Media Lab , have developed  a tool called Immersion  that taps into your Gmail and displays the results as an interactive graphic.      

Mindsets which can destroy the value of data!

Tony Fish @My Digital Footprint I have been working with several teams on data driven innovations and failing to create the value expected. Listed below are some mindsets which I have come across that appear to create hurdles to the data opportunity. The theme underlying these views, I believe, is the same as the old philosophy argument on behaviour and judgement which is ā€œare you Fact or Opinion biased?ā€  Personally I am defiantly and firmly in the ā€œtell me your opinion.ā€ The Internet has allowed the world to find, no matter what the opinion, some data to support it.  As I can/will always find facts to back any story, I want to know what youā€™re thinking, why you hold that view and what drives you. Why do I think this; because strategy and innovation is a judgement on outcomes and not a science.  I find it interesting that many are trying to prove me right or wrong with their data, rather than accepting that my opinion is mine and it is neither right or wrong...

Core Concepts in Identity via @identitywoman

Tony Fish @My Digital Footprint Source: Worth reading as provides a lexicon ā€¦. and this is my visual interruption

The Value of Identity Data and Identity Etiquette


Anonymity, Privacy, and Security Online from @pewresearch

Source: Pew Research : Download Most (US) internet users would like to be anonymous online at least occasionally, but many think it is not possible to be completely anonymous online. New findings in a national survey show: 86% of internet users have taken steps online to remove or mask their digital footprintsā€”ranging from clearing cookies to encrypting their email, from avoiding using their name to using virtual networks that mask their internet protocol (IP) address. 55% of internet users have taken steps to avoid observation by specific people, organizations, or the government Love human behaviour, they think that by deleting what it says on their computer that the record has goneā€¦ā€¦

Dilbert: we now use data from the Internet to see what you've been up to



Master thesis sdeg pieter van de glind - 3845494 - the consumer potential of collaborative consumption - august 2013 from Pieter van de Glind

How personality changes over time, which parts and how we can now measure it.

Source : Andrew McAfeeā€™s Blog Source2 : Personality, Gender, and Age in the Language of Social Media: The Open-Vocabulary Approach They analysed 700 million words, phrases, and topic instances collected from the Facebook messages of 75,000 volunteers, who also took standard personality tests, and found striking variations in language with personality, gender, and age. In our open-vocabulary technique, the data itself drives a comprehensive exploration of language that distinguishes people, finding connections that are not captured with traditional closed-vocabulary word-category analyses. Our analyses shed new light on psychosocial processes yielding results that are face valid (e.g., subjects living in high elevations talk about the mountains), tie in with other research (e.g., neurotic people disproportionately use the phrase ā€˜sick ofā€™ and the word ā€˜depressedā€™), suggest new hypotheses (e.g., an active life implies emotional stability), and give detailed insigh...

How Investors See the Big Data Market and Its Investment Opportunities

Jake Flomenber talks about how he views the larger big data market. Jake works with the  Accelā€™s big data fund , which recently opened their second $ 100 million fund, so he knows what he is talking about. He talks with Stefan Groschupf, the chief executive of Datameer, another well-funded Big Data startup with almost $ 37 million in funding.

social physics

  Source:   This is a book and data set ā€“ really worth readyā€¦ however the open data is here - this is worth looking at.   How can we create organizations and governments that are cooperative, productive, and creative? These are the questions of social physics, and they are especially important right now, because of global competition, environmental challenges, and government failure. The engine that drives social physics is big data: the newly ubiquitous digital data that is becoming available about all aspects of human life. By using these data to build a predictive, computational theory of human behavior we can hope to engineer better social systems.      

Types Of Mobile Financial Services #mobile #financial


Digital Life in 2025 @pewresearch

  Pew Research Internet Project has released ( March 2014) a report on Digital Life in 2025 based on expert interviews.   The report marks the 25th anniversary of the creation of the World Wide Web by Sir Tim Berners-Lee who released the code for his system, for free, to the world on Christmas Day in 1990.  The Web became a major layer of the Internet. Indeed, for many, it became synonymous with the Internet, even though that is not technically the case.   This report looks at the present and the past of the Internet, marking its strikingly fast adoption and assessing its impact on American usersā€™ lives. This report is part of an effort by the Pew Research Centerā€™s Internet Project in association with Elon Universityā€™s Imagining the Internet Center to look at the future of the Internet, the Web, and other digital activities. This is the first of eight reports based on a canvassing of hundreds of experts about the future of such things as privacy, c...

Big Data is affecting everyone via @asiarunbetter @sap


Views from the front lines of the data-analytics revolution

Source : The link above is to a very good McKinsey article titled ā€œViews from the front lines of the data-analytics revolutionā€ Key points for me 1.     Senior management donā€™t understand Data irrespective if it is big, small, open, flat, simple or complex 2.     Privacy is not the issue ā€“ control, controls, authority and rights are 3.     Talent is always a problem but it never seen as a strategic issue
Privacy researcher Christopher Soghoian sees the landscape of government surveillance shifting beneath our feet, as an industry grows to support monitoring programs. Through private companies, he says, governments are buying technology with the capacity to break into computers, steal documents and monitor activity ā€” without detection. This TED Fellow gives an unsettling look at what's to come.

How data will transform business

What does the future of business look like? In an informative talk, Philip Evans gives a quick primer on two long-standing theories in strategy ā€” and explains why he thinks they are essentially invalid.

Edward Snowden at TED on the right to data privacy

Appearing by telepresence robot, Edward Snowden speaks at TED2014 about surveillance and Internet freedom. The right to data privacy, he suggests, is not a partisan issue, but requires a fundamental rethink of the role of the internet in our lives ā€” and the laws that protect it. "Your rights matter,ā€ he says, "because you never know when you're going to need them." Chris Anderson interviews, with special guest Tim Berners-Lee.

Catherine Bracy: Why good hackers make good citizens

Image is everything - it is just that we cannot machine interrupt it

interrupting our free from communication is much more difficult than we think

Voice .... just more data or more secure?

Voice: as the next big thing has been a cyclic mantra for at least 20 years ā€“ which is the time I have been in telecoms and high tech. Why voice? Voice recognition, voice ads, voice biometrics, unified messaging, ease, navigation (interface)ā€¦ voice is content and that is often more valuable than the telecom operator/ NAS collected data of who made the call, to whom, when, how often, from where and for how long. Patterns and meta data.  Interception and recording of all calls is possible but you need to know who and what to look for. They can listen but not to everyone! In fact Voice and Face recognition appear to be in similar season fashion at the moment, with many of the same fears and mantras.  However it is the tech that lets us down, not our acceptance or vision of what is possible.  Voice and Face recognition are also different.  Voice is content and a continuous stream. Face is a one off, closer to finger print recognition for value, however voic...

The radical shift from profit motivated greed to purpose driven awareness and the impact on the 4 P's in a marketing mix!

Tony Fish @My Digital Footprint When we were chatting about a collaborative digital business model, my nephew Chris challenged me with this statement ā€œ I can't understand what the consumer gets for helping others though! ā€ I had just shared with him a business that raised $10m which allows people to help people for free.  I was rather hoping that his digital youthfulness was about to surprise me and provide me with a deep native understanding of being-digital and offer me some insights to the future; but his mind has already been corrupted by out of date, but classical business/ marketing, education. As we continued to debate digital first as I structured out an update to classical marketing, as is set out below. There is an awful lot written and taught about the traditional 1960ā€™s marketing mix tool which is commonly known as the 4, 5, 6, 7 and even 8 Pā€™s of marketing. A quick read of Wikipedia gives all the basics.  A re-write that never really caught on in the 1990...

Can you know more about the product than the data does when you are the product?

Tony Fish @My Digital Footprint Is this a paradoxā€¦..If you are the product ( aka a digital service which is FREE) Who knows more about the product you as being self-aware or your data?