Can Brands restore consumer trust?

Along with privacy and identity, trust is probably one of the most contentious and debated words especially in relation to data and the digital economy. The purpose of this thought piece is to present a concept; which only presents itself in a digital economy, when the user has access to their own data. An assumption, ahead of thinking about trust, relates to data portability/ data mobility. The idea behind data portability as part of a regulatory frameworks such as GDPR and PSD2, relates to the user being given the right to ask for their data back from the company that has collected it. As an idea it is seen as controversial as data control/ ownership is seen by brands as a key strategic requirement to remain relevant, to offer personalisation and keep control of the customer. This concept argues that giving the data back actually creates a far bigger opportunity for Brands, but it does require the current data collector and controller to shift their mind ...