Day 0 CDO language. The translator, interpreter and go-between
Whilst our ongoing agile iteration into information beings is never-ending, there are the first 100 days. But what to focus on? Well, that rose-tinted period of conflicting optimisation is what </Hello, CDO!> is all about. Maintaining sanity when all else has been lost to untested data assumptions is a different problem entirely. On Day zero of being a #CDO, you have to be ready and prepared as a translator, interpreter and go-between. Yes, the essential “translation” of business needs into information requires identifying the appropriate data, the relevant analysis, and the correct interpretations, but that is not what I am talking about. There is a different translation to the appropriately modelled, described and analysed, data that offers the language to enable siloed departments in organisations to talk to each other. The CDO must have translation skills to help other executives talk about what data means to them and that each party leaves with a common understanding. Excep...