Why I think that asking if “AI can be ethical” is the wrong question!

Many ask the question “can AI be ethical?” which then becomes a statement “ AI must be ethical! ” In reality we do not tend to unpack this because it appears so logical, but maybe it is not as obvious as we would like. In May 2021 I wrote this article “ What occurs when physical beings transition to information beings? ” It started to question what happens when an AI does not have the same incentives and bias as humans. It was building on this the idea that an # AI should not make complex decisions about wicked problems that involve compromise. There is an implicit assumption in the question “Can AI be ethical?,” that AI is either fundermentall not ethical or is already amoral today but #AI must somehow become ethical and have morals. (or worst it must adopt ours.) I am not sure AI cares if it is ethical or not but that is a different piece of thinking which I explored here “ Can AI be curious? ”. We know carbon forms can be curious but we worry ab...