Digital Strategy: Only the paranoid survive!
I wrote the original post in March 2010, about the screens of life and the competition to get in your data from the server to the brighly lit screen. The Six screens of life become 7 #mdfp Dark Screen When writing my digital footprint I updated the Six screenās of life work originally developed for mobile web 2.0 (extract on read/write web) However, I have now realised that I missed one out. What is said in summary is that for the most part, we are consumers of content. In our daily lives we consume professionally created, produced and edited content from traditional and new media providers on our āsix screens of lifeā. These screens are divided into two broad categories, big screens and small screens, each with three subgroups as per figure 2. 6 screens of life Both for big and small screens, the user has traditionally been a passive receiver of content (content has been broadcast to the user) or the user has been seen as a member of a carefully controlled...