
Showing posts with the label PII

Legal aspects of digital data, thinking about data ownership

Alexander Duisberg Partner @ Bird Bird, talks to the legal aspects of exploiting big data and lists his top tips for private and   public sector. He talks to : data ownership as a concept [ personally I am not sure anyone can own data, however there are rights and responsibilities] and no jurisdiction has a fully developed concept of data ownership to date. privacy aspect of data  understanding what data you own and how it affects your customers’ privacy. licensing implications when buying or selling data and the issues of making data anonymous. 

Make Delete the Default?

I read this article and it got me thinking. What happens if we do make Delete the Default. The problem as I see it is that it all becomes too easy to forget history, too easy to have an opinion, too easy to not think and act, too easy to be individual above a citizen.  Accountability is surely valued higher than privacy? What happens when your medical history is deleted, your heart ECG, your previous test results. We value history every day, why do we want to loose it? Big difference is access to stuff you are not allowed to see. Personally because you want to protect your “chat” you cannot take the same principals and expand them to every situation – Delete cannot be the default.

How BitCoin Works - a very good, long and detailed explanation


The more I think about it, the less I think there is value in sharing personal data

Image: Sharing PII data is something that I have been thinking about for some time and reading this Blog by Nick Crown Personal Data - Is It Truly An Asset?  - I decided it was time to put it out there. Don't worry I am not about to trash personal data ecosystem and value from digital footprints, I want to explore thinking about why we share the actual data ..... when we could do the same but at a different level of abstraction ( hence the image above…) the base line is more data = more targeting ( explored this here recently ) which leads to more efficient advertising, more branding messaging but appears no overall change in real marketing spending ( data ) assuming you know what to look for! More data about me would include, say: my driving speed, time, routes, frequency and style. ( view point ) heath, diet, food intake, exercise, pedometer, pleasure, life style ( data ) specific medical...

The more I think about it, the less I think there is value in sharing personal data

Image: Sharing PII data is something that I have been thinking about for some time and reading this Blog by Nick Crown Personal Data - Is It Truly An Asset?  - I decided it was time to put it out there. Don't worry I am not about to trash personal data ecosystem and value from digital footprints, I want to explore thinking about why we share the actual data ..... when we could do the same but at a different level of abstraction ( hence the image above…) the base line is more data = more targeting ( explored this here recently ) which leads to more efficient advertising, more branding messaging but appears no overall change in real marketing spending ( data ) assuming you know what to look for! More data about me would include, say: my driving speed, time, routes, frequency and style. ( view point ) heath, diet, food intake, exercise, pedometer, pleasure, life style ( data ) specific medical...

The more I think about it, the less I think there is value in sharing personal data

Image: Sharing PII data is something that I have been thinking about for some time and reading this Blog by Nick Crown Personal Data - Is It Truly An Asset?  - I decided it was time to put it out there. Don't worry I am not about to trash personal data ecosystem and value from digital footprints, I want to explore thinking about why we share the actual data ..... when we could do the same but at a different level of abstraction ( hence the image above…) the base line is more data = more targeting ( explored this here recently ) which leads to more efficient advertising, more branding messaging but appears no overall change in real marketing spending ( data ) assuming you know what to look for! More data about me would include, say: my driving speed, time, routes, frequency and style. ( view point ) heath, diet, food intake, exercise, pedometer, pleasure, life style ( data ) specific medical...

The more I think about it, the less I think there is value in sharing personal data

Image: Sharing PII data is something that I have been thinking about for some time and reading this Blog by Nick Crown Personal Data - Is It Truly An Asset?  - I decided it was time to put it out there. Don't worry I am not about to trash personal data ecosystem and value from digital footprints, I want to explore thinking about why we share the actual data ..... when we could do the same but at a different level of abstraction ( hence the image above…) the base line is more data = more targeting ( explored this here recently ) which leads to more efficient advertising, more branding messaging but appears no overall change in real marketing spending ( data ) assuming you know what to look for! More data about me would include, say: my driving speed, time, routes, frequency and style. ( view point ) heath, diet, food intake, exercise, pedometer, pleasure, life style ( data ) specific medical...

The more I think about it, the less I think there is value in sharing personal data

Image: Sharing PII data is something that I have been thinking about for some time and reading this Blog by Nick Crown Personal Data - Is It Truly An Asset?  - I decided it was time to put it out there. Don't worry I am not about to trash personal data ecosystem and value from digital footprints, I want to explore thinking about why we share the actual data ..... when we could do the same but at a different level of abstraction ( hence the image above…) the base line is more data = more targeting ( explored this here recently ) which leads to more efficient advertising, more branding messaging but appears no overall change in real marketing spending ( data ) assuming you know what to look for! More data about me would include, say: my driving speed, time, routes, frequency and style. ( view point ) heath, diet, food intake, exercise, pedometer, pleasure, life style ( data ) specific medical...

I have read a load of articles on collecting Data from Cars and here is my summary

I have read a load of articles on collecting Data from Cars and here is my summary. 

I have read a load of articles on collecting Data from Cars and here is my summary

I have read a load of articles on collecting Data from Cars and here is my summary. 

I have read a load of articles on collecting Data from Cars and here is my summary

I have read a load of articles on collecting Data from Cars and here is my summary. 

I have read a load of articles on collecting Data from Cars and here is my summary

I have read a load of articles on collecting Data from Cars and here is my summary. 

I have read a load of articles on collecting Data from Cars and here is my summary

I have read a load of articles on collecting Data from Cars and here is my summary. 

Centralized Collection and Control of Personal Data: Due for Disruption or Unstoppable Trend? [video] by @random_walker

[youtube] Long Talk by Arvind Narayanan at Mozilla July 2012. It picks up on so themes that are current thinking from Kim Cameron to Jeff Jarvis to Doc Searls

Somethimes we know it happens we just don't know how often or how much

Image source :   Two recent articles of note on data collection The Most Important Tech Company You've Never Heard Of Describes a Delaware-based company that has quietly become one of the major players in surveillance infrastructure — but they've been so under the radar. Meet Neustar, one of the most important companies you've never heard of. Here is their SEC filing   Cellphone Companies Will Share Your Location Data – Just Not With You As they note in their privacy policies, Verizon, Sprint, AT&T, and T-Mobile all analyze your information to send you targeted ads for their own services or from outside companies. At least tens of thousands of times a year, they also hand cellphone location information to the FBI or police officers who have a court order. In the article they ask Verizon, Sprint, AT&T, and T-Mobile two questions about releasing data, worth a read.

Never mind Real Names, what about Real Faces via @dgwbirch

The source of this is David Birch and the original article is here – please go there and read in full as it is thought provoking. This picks up on the complexity that I can only be me, in a world where facial recognition works and becomes prevalent. Ignoring body doubles and Identical Twins. In simple terms [all persona = me if real face recognition works] They question is about value for me and value for others….. I can only see value for others at it allows process and procedure to be followed. Not sure where my value is as of yet.

Ceop targets sex offenders who try to hide their 'digital footprint' - highlights so many issues

Source : Ceop plans to ramp up efforts to target child sex offenders who share indecent images of children and try to hide their “digital footprints” online In so many ways this highlights the nub of a dilemma… ·          illegal and morally wrong – ability to track/ trace and bring to justice. Versus ·          freedom of expression and free speech – if anyone can be tracked, how about those speaking out who need some level of anonymity Versus ·          access management and ability to identify – rightful control and controls Versus ·          wrongfully blamed, accused or judged and need ability to correct/ delete/ modify Versus ·          human righ...

How Grabby Are Your Facebook Apps? source @wsj

The original article is from WSJ and is called Selling You on Facebook and looks at many popular Facebook apps which are obtaining information about users and users' friends with the SHOCKER untone “ so don't be surprised if details about your religious, political and even sexual preferences start popping up in unexpected places.”  And is the extension of a long running series and viewpoints call “ what they know ” The WSJ has done a nice interactive page that allows you to see what data could be taken, depending on what you have agreed to. The upshot of this is that Facebook is not Free, Your Data has value and the whole UI/UX around privacy and its settings is a mess. Here is the page – have a play

Why control of my data is not possible!

Image source: I often ask people to differentiate between “Control” of their data and providing user with “Controls” as in reality we cannot control often even ourselves and some try to exercise control over others. Control in this case being you can control your data, what happens it, who can use it, what rights you provide and the management platform that sits behind it.  Controls means that someone provides the users with some choice about how their data is used in a specific instance on a specific web site or by a specific service provider.  I contend that control of data is not realistic, even with a personal data store.   Simple example but let’s think about a phone number. someone else creates the number for you someone else puts your number in a their directory system you may have a choice if that number is public (controls) your friends enter your number in their own private directorie...

You changed the way you kissed me - what can data really tell us?

Loving listing to the Example this morning - 'Changed The Way You Kiss Me' ( Official Video) But it makes me think…. I have this idea that your digital footprint (data) can tell me everything about you (and me), well eventually.  If all your yummy digital data is captured and we have the algorithm it could predict what is going on and even what will happen.  So this song raises an interesting question; When you Change The Way You Kiss someone – did you know, do they know, does the matrix know or was I able to predict it?  Behavioural economist Dan Ariely, the author of Predictably Irrational , uses classic visual illusions and his own counterintuitive (and sometimes shocking) research findings to show how we're not as rational as we think when we make decisions and therefore maybe we can – but does this idea take away some aspect of us being human?