
Showing posts with the label digital remains

Facebook is changing its policies regarding profiles of users who have passed away. #digitalfootprint

Image source: Associated Press Facebook  has changed its policies regarding profiles of users who have passed away. Feb 21 st 2014. A memorialized Facebook profile (when someone has died) was only visible to friends of the deceased, but now Facebook has altered its privacy settings on memorialized profiles so that all functions operate as they did when the user was active on the platform. For example, if a user kept his profile public to anyone on Facebook, that is the way his profile will be even after his passing. " This will allow people to see memorialized profiles in a manner consistent with the deceased person's expectations of privacy," members of Facebook's community team wrote in their blog. " We are respecting the choices a person made in life while giving their extended community of family and friends ongoing visibility to the same content they could always see ." The policy change involves "Look Back" videos, which wer...

Make Delete the Default?

I read this article and it got me thinking. What happens if we do make Delete the Default. The problem as I see it is that it all becomes too easy to forget history, too easy to have an opinion, too easy to not think and act, too easy to be individual above a citizen.  Accountability is surely valued higher than privacy? What happens when your medical history is deleted, your heart ECG, your previous test results. We value history every day, why do we want to loose it? Big difference is access to stuff you are not allowed to see. Personally because you want to protect your “chat” you cannot take the same principals and expand them to every situation – Delete cannot be the default.

Questions that I cannot see Personal Lockers addressing

If data is…. My transaction data. Data from any, all and every transaction – spending, investment, bills, gifts, selling and free – Environment Data.  Where you are, what your environment is like, wind speed, temperature, gas usage, petrol consumption – everything. ,  :   Quantified self . Sensor Data from Google Glass , Nike+ sportwatch , Zeo sleep manage , Omron blood pressure monitor , Accu-Check blood glucose meter ,  Fitbit Flex wristband , Sportline heart rate monitor , MoodScope log and 1,000’s of sport apps on your smartphone.  Should the data be in silo or under my control or both? Routes and Routine data.   All your geo data , Content Data.   All data about how you create, use, consume, generate, recommend, share, about you, generate for any and all types of media and content – too man...

The Digital Will - Google's Inactive Account Manager for your Digital Footprint after death

Source : Google has presented a new product that plans your digital afterlife – think Digital Will or Death Switch – you can instruct Google to delete your personal data and transfer your files to designated recipients, if you want them preserved for posterity. This is a class of service called managing your data after death that has been talked about a lot on My Digital Footprint. It is interesting that one of the largest players has done something about it and does highlight the importance of managing digital assets after death and is an attempt to solve a real (perceived) problem.  There is a host of companies ( Legacy Locker , Cirrus , Death Switch , Perpetu , AfterSteps ,   The Digital Beyond   DadApp , Social Safe to name a just a few) who are willing to charge you for this service and given that this is Google only data, you still need something for all your other ser...

Grief in a Digital Age

Source : This is a link to a long post that deals with a bundle of tricky issues including trolls, planning for a digital death, online memorials, vandalism and dealing with death in an online world. Also check out  Grieving with Facebook  Conferences, Blogs, Websites, Books and Artists .   Facebook's Afterlife  published - " International media coverage ". 

Grief in a Digital Age

Source : This is a link to a long post that deals with a bundle of tricky issues including trolls, planning for a digital death, online memorials, vandalism and dealing with death in an online world. Also check out  Grieving with Facebook  Conferences, Blogs, Websites, Books and Artists .   Facebook's Afterlife  published - " International media coverage ". 

Grief in a Digital Age

Source : This is a link to a long post that deals with a bundle of tricky issues including trolls, planning for a digital death, online memorials, vandalism and dealing with death in an online world. Also check out  Grieving with Facebook  Conferences, Blogs, Websites, Books and Artists .   Facebook's Afterlife  published - " International media coverage ". 

Y0u come with nothing, You leave with nothing, so who owns your digital footprint?

  source : Much has been written about the Bruce Willis "case" of his iTunes library but most digital content exists in a legal black hole..... So you want to give away your data ... You use Dad's credit cards to purchase itunes and books You have shared content from other You provide password access You have some original works You have purchased your own content.... What the terms say and what we are doing are very different but which trusted Brand is going to take us the consumer on? Tell you what lets ignore the issue and find a new format so you can buy it all again?

DEATH IS A PART OF LIFE AND LIFE HAS BECOME DIGITAL - Digital Death day event October 6th

Image Digital Death Day is a series of Unconferences which have been running twice annually since May 2010 in Europe and North America. We are very excited to be bringing this event once again to London! In the past this event has received high profile international press (such as and ) Digital Death is the term used to describe the growing issue of what happens to your personas, ideas, feelings and accounts online after you die. This workshop is open to professionals and amateurs alike. Anyone who wants to learn, discuss, ask questions or even display a working product. Like death in the real world, Digital Death promises to be ever-present in our increasingly digital world. Despite the topics relative newness this is an issue which has already touched the lives of many people who understand its relevance, whether they themselves have ex...

DEATH IS A PART OF LIFE AND LIFE HAS BECOME DIGITAL - Digital Death day event October 6th

Image Digital Death Day is a series of Unconferences which have been running twice annually since May 2010 in Europe and North America. We are very excited to be bringing this event once again to London! In the past this event has received high profile international press (such as and ) Digital Death is the term used to describe the growing issue of what happens to your personas, ideas, feelings and accounts online after you die. This workshop is open to professionals and amateurs alike. Anyone who wants to learn, discuss, ask questions or even display a working product. Like death in the real world, Digital Death promises to be ever-present in our increasingly digital world. Despite the topics relative newness this is an issue which has already touched the lives of many people who understand its relevance, whether they themselves have ex...

DEATH IS A PART OF LIFE AND LIFE HAS BECOME DIGITAL - Digital Death day event October 6th

Image Digital Death Day is a series of Unconferences which have been running twice annually since May 2010 in Europe and North America. We are very excited to be bringing this event once again to London! In the past this event has received high profile international press (such as and ) Digital Death is the term used to describe the growing issue of what happens to your personas, ideas, feelings and accounts online after you die. This workshop is open to professionals and amateurs alike. Anyone who wants to learn, discuss, ask questions or even display a working product. Like death in the real world, Digital Death promises to be ever-present in our increasingly digital world. Despite the topics relative newness this is an issue which has already touched the lives of many people who understand its relevance, whether they themselves have ex...

DEATH IS A PART OF LIFE AND LIFE HAS BECOME DIGITAL - Digital Death day event October 6th

Image Digital Death Day is a series of Unconferences which have been running twice annually since May 2010 in Europe and North America. We are very excited to be bringing this event once again to London! In the past this event has received high profile international press (such as and ) Digital Death is the term used to describe the growing issue of what happens to your personas, ideas, feelings and accounts online after you die. This workshop is open to professionals and amateurs alike. Anyone who wants to learn, discuss, ask questions or even display a working product. Like death in the real world, Digital Death promises to be ever-present in our increasingly digital world. Despite the topics relative newness this is an issue which has already touched the lives of many people who understand its relevance, whether they themselves have ex...

How Do You Securely Store Private Information For Posterity? - amazing insight to a problem area.

Source : The post asks the question "In the event of my untimely demise, my wife and family will need access to all of my private data (email, phone, laptop password, SSN, etc) and financial accounts and passwords (banks, 401(k), mortgage, insurance, etc). What's the best way to securely store all that data knowing the data is somewhat volatile (e.g. password changes) and also that someone else who is not technically savvy will need to access the most up to date version of it? Suggestions include a printed copy in a safe deposit box, an encrypted file, a secure server in the cloud, or maybe a commercial product." At the time of linking there are over 250 responses – amazing insight to a problem area.

How to protect yourself online before you die....


Resource - thoughts about your digital self after your body stops working

So the infographic is from  An Australian comparison site for insurance, therefore looking for hits and sales  :) They have a walk through webpage that talks to : Digital Privacy After Death - What Will Happen To Your Online Profile When You're Gone? Why You Should Get a Digital Will & A Digital Executor Personality Predictors + Artificial Intelligence = Digital Resurrections What Will Be Determined to be of Digital Importance & How Will it be Preserved? It is a good resource and well researched and I am delighted that they touched on issues for business owners, however, all Will’s become public at death so please don’t put your identity and passwords in any document.  Further the site does not address the thorny issue of “shared”  accounts. This could be the family email account that is in the name of the person who died. <br />Produced by Life Insurance Finder

Steve Jobs has left a digital footprint but it is his creativity that provides a real footprint

Tony - no Apple fan boy, but deeply respectful of a master craftsman  

@adamostrow After your final status update #TEDtalk about your digital remains

Adam is the Editor-in-Chief at Mashable A topic that keeps coming back and here is another post on it - what happens to your digital footprint when you die ?

Do you want the right to be forgotten?

Image : I had a flashback of something that never existed The interpretation of "Do you want the right to be forgotten?" in my mind is a war of words and misunderstandings.  On the top of one hill overlooking the battle field is a camp full of the privacy brigade who are awash with good use cases and top attention grabbing headlines. Pitched up on the other hill are the web 2.0 companies who want your data so they can offer a service for free; avoiding pay walls, annoying advertising and slow death.  In no-mans land are the regulators and the battle is being watched by us as aware, but not really caring participants, who have a live stream and a back channel for those who happen to want to voice an opinion on the current trending social media platform.  This is different topic  to the "do not track me" debate .   So what do we (I) actually want..... A right - "something that affords me some kind of protection"   The W...

Do you want the right to be forgotten?

Image : I had a flashback of something that never existed The interpretation of "Do you want the right to be forgotten?" in my mind is a war of words and misunderstandings.  On the top of one hill overlooking the battle field is a camp full of the privacy brigade who are awash with good use cases and top attention grabbing headlines. Pitched up on the other hill are the web 2.0 companies who want your data so they can offer a service for free; avoiding pay walls, annoying advertising and slow death.  In no-mans land are the regulators and the battle is being watched by us as aware, but not really caring participants, who have a live stream and a back channel for those who happen to want to voice an opinion on the current trending social media platform.  This is different topic  to the "do not track me" debate .   So what do we (I) actually want..... A right - "something that affords me some kind of protection"   The W...

When your dead - is there a digital footprint heaven?

  Not a new topic for this blog - previous posts are here   A very good article appeared from the New York Times By  ROB WALKER Published: January 5, 2011 using the Photo Illustration by Penelope Umbrico above ‘‘Sunset Portraits, From 8,462,359 Sunset Pictures on Flickr, 12/21/10’’  I am not repeating it or doing a summary as it worth spending 15 minutes and reading it. There are also 83 comments which capture a hugh range of opinion Read All Comments (83) »     Things to adds from so many good point have been made already   Payments - who is responsible for paying for services to keep them alive, you cannot pass on liability. 30% bother to sort wills - 70% don't - the Internet stats are likely to be worse given our attitude to backup Signing rights that are not aligned to terms and conditions is not a proposition that will work - what you want has to aligned to what...