
Showing posts with the label quantum risk

Quantum Risk: a wicked problem that emerges at the boundaries of our data dependency

Framing the problem I am fighting bias and prejudice about risk perceptions; please read the next lines before you click off.  We tend to be blind sighted to “risk” because we have all lived it, read it and listened to risk statements.  The ones on the TV and radio for financial products, the ones at the beginning of investment statements, ones for health and safety for machinery, ones for medicine, ones on the packets of cigarettes, the one when you open that new app on your new mobile device. We are bombarded with endless risk statements that we assume we know the details of, or just ignore.  There are more books on risk than on all other management and economics topics together.  There is an entire field on the ontologies of risk; such is the significance of this field. This article is suggesting that all that body of knowledge and expertise has missed something.  A bold statement, but quantum risk is new, big, ugly, and already here, it's just that we are ...