
Showing posts with the label reputation

How personality changes over time, which parts and how we can now measure it.

Source : Andrew McAfeeā€™s Blog Source2 : Personality, Gender, and Age in the Language of Social Media: The Open-Vocabulary Approach They analysed 700 million words, phrases, and topic instances collected from the Facebook messages of 75,000 volunteers, who also took standard personality tests, and found striking variations in language with personality, gender, and age. In our open-vocabulary technique, the data itself drives a comprehensive exploration of language that distinguishes people, finding connections that are not captured with traditional closed-vocabulary word-category analyses. Our analyses shed new light on psychosocial processes yielding results that are face valid (e.g., subjects living in high elevations talk about the mountains), tie in with other research (e.g., neurotic people disproportionately use the phrase ā€˜sick ofā€™ and the word ā€˜depressedā€™), suggest new hypotheses (e.g., an active life implies emotional stability), and give detailed insigh...

interesting data set - how to find out which of your friends use facebooks apps

Source: Logged into   Facebook ? OK, now click   this simple link. Voila:   Here are your friends who have the app installed. Not a bug but a featureā€¦

how can you be sure they are who they say they are?

Image background checking companyā€¦. with a difference.

How aware are you of your digital footprint?

Paris Brown  (17) was the UK's first youth police and crime commissioner and last week tweets dating back three years made her appear racist, homophobic and supportive of the drug culture.   As Paris has since recognised that even though teenagers have been brought up with digital media all around them and it is second nature to share instant snippets of their lives with their immediate peer network, it is rather difficult to remember that all your online activity is stored somewhere and can be found very easily. Context is often lost, but the words are not. However, what we often forget is that your digital footprint is made up of what you say and what others say about you.  This blog is not only part of Parisā€™ Digital Footprint but also mine.

OnLine Reputation Management


Grief in a Digital Age

Source : This is a link to a long post that deals with a bundle of tricky issues including trolls, planning for a digital death, online memorials, vandalism and dealing with death in an online world. Also check out  Grieving with Facebook  Conferences, Blogs, Websites, Books and Artists .   Facebook's Afterlife  published - " International media coverage ". 

Grief in a Digital Age

Source : This is a link to a long post that deals with a bundle of tricky issues including trolls, planning for a digital death, online memorials, vandalism and dealing with death in an online world. Also check out  Grieving with Facebook  Conferences, Blogs, Websites, Books and Artists .   Facebook's Afterlife  published - " International media coverage ". 

Grief in a Digital Age

Source : This is a link to a long post that deals with a bundle of tricky issues including trolls, planning for a digital death, online memorials, vandalism and dealing with death in an online world. Also check out  Grieving with Facebook  Conferences, Blogs, Websites, Books and Artists .   Facebook's Afterlife  published - " International media coverage ". 

I have read a load of articles on collecting Data from Cars and here is my summary

I have read a load of articles on collecting Data from Cars and here is my summary. 

I have read a load of articles on collecting Data from Cars and here is my summary

I have read a load of articles on collecting Data from Cars and here is my summary. 

I have read a load of articles on collecting Data from Cars and here is my summary

I have read a load of articles on collecting Data from Cars and here is my summary. 

I have read a load of articles on collecting Data from Cars and here is my summary

I have read a load of articles on collecting Data from Cars and here is my summary. 

I have read a load of articles on collecting Data from Cars and here is my summary

I have read a load of articles on collecting Data from Cars and here is my summary. 

Got @klout infographic @askaaronlee


A structural model for Identity based on certification, recognition, reputation and anonymity.

I have been thinking for a while about a model that describes the interdependencies between public, private, identity, reputation and privacy (laws).  This is mostly driven by the need to try and find an approach to define different types of ā€œidentityā€ based on characteristics that have some degree of stability and repeatability. The first ā€œpublicā€ version of this model is represented in hand drawing below, and I would love feedback, input and criticism.   The vertical axis represents the perceptions of how people can be perceived by everyone else; this provides a range from a private citizen (general public) to a public figure (politician). The horizontal axis represents the how we conduct ourselves from being a private self (protected) to being public (15 seconds of fame) The quadrants are defined by the extremes of the axis definitions as follows: Obscurity - a private citizen who wants to remain private. An example at an extreme is a hermit, but th...

How We're Going to Fix Online Identity and Reputation

source: aims to build nothing less than a  peer review layer for the whole Internet . It's a mind-boggling idea when you let it sink in.  Read the comments at the end, shame there are not more Personally I would content that Identity and Reputation are not the issues to solve (yet) the focus today is on "Authority" and "Trust"

Who you should focus on....and links to digital footprints

Gideon Rosenblatt of Alchemy of Change posted this image a part of a longer thought blog on ā€œWho to focus on.ā€ It is worth reading! One aspect of personal value and model generated from a digital footprint is so that you will know both who matters, who influences you and who you can influence.  

I just cerified myself at idAngels

idAngels is at It essentially asks people to verify others as who they say they are. ā€œWhat matters (to individuals) is not being able to "prove who I am" to an organization, but that  nobody else can.ā€ If you want an invite ā€“ let me know.

So who has my data and the wider Epsilon email breach

Experts suggest that the Epsilon email breach actually took place in late March and we become aware of it in Early April through traditional media. Here is the full(est) list of companies who were affected. However, why do companies such as Capital One to Verizon hire Epsilon? Given the regulation and technical complexity relating to personal data storage and permission email it would appear that there is an economies-of-scale argument from having a specialist; but here is the rub, it introduces a single point of failure. Which leads to the question about who I ā€œtrust?ā€ Customers placed their trust in companies and these companies gave their customer data to Epsilon who were not directly or implied in the trust relationship.  Whoā€™s brand is damaged Epsilon or the house-hold name? Whilst I am sure that there are service level agreements between the parties but whilst personal data is seen as a liability (high cost to manage and maintain within regulation) th...

comments, authenticity, identity and digital footprint

Image from The start of this thought was that a while back Facebook started to offer a service that allows you to comment on a blog post, such as this, using Facebook. Plus side is make it easy to collect comments and gain engagement as not everyone has a Blogger, WordPress, Disquss or other commenting login or can be bothered with the unique logins every time to comment. Or is happy to hide. Downside is control by Facebook and using dominant position to force players out of the market (think Microsoft bundling browser) which is one side, but the other side is the possibility of a single identity.  The shift here is from the identity we are given by our company/ government/ network or bank (many and in silos) to the one your parents gave you and your professional attitude. There is plenty to read on this topic ā€¦. Stowe Boyd , GigaOm , Kaliya , Identity commons , Scoble , Jeff Jarvis The observ...