
Will Twitter rescue broadcast TV?

For a long time the writing has been on the wall for linear/ broadcast TV. Worth reading the Huffington Post/ Business Insider article Web Video is the new television ) and Wikinomics Twitter TV In my little corner of the UK, data is everything.  Get data, analyse data, direct new services based on analysis of data, get feedback from interactions based on analysis, continue loop and get more data from more people on who is the influencer and who is influenced, offer more value add, build lock in to increase long term economic value, nudge share price based on DCF of long term relationship. The data in this scenario comes from mobile, web and TV and how we interact with the “ screens of life ” Thinking specifically about TV, the problem has been how to find immediately that programme you want in multi channel world.  There is a lot of good thinking behind gathering knowledge of preferences and drive recommendation and indeed extending this control to your mobile....

Why factual representations of you will fail to deliver value!

Too much data; Selection based on what we want to hear; Too much effort to change your mind =  Good banding is finding that affinity with those who have a similar model I understand very clearly that there is too much data.  Yes it is possible to record everything - all my actions and reactions, voice calls, my journeys, my routes and routines, my emails, my IM and other communications.  You can record what I listen too, read, smell and taste. You can take my preference for food, drink, entertainment, environment, wall paper, bed comfort – indeed everything I do, touch, smell, taste, hear and see.  It can be recorded but our brain already throws away just about all that data and just stores enough to make changing our minds hard and difficult .  The effort to change what you have done before is high, indeed the brain is an energy hungry organ and we are lazy. Therefore, a Brand will be more inclined to align itself to you and your motivations than you...

Dilbert - The only things that matter are social networks, games and phones


Should I care if social media is just a big game?

    Game - concentrate - inject fun - cognitive behaviour change - reward outcomes benefits - commercial – interruption - escape       Are those works the ramblings of a mad man or a response to Nicholas Carr writing in the The Shallows [I will post a review of the book later but just digesting] or is it that I now know that no-one will read this blog post in full and therefore just wants a few key words?   In a few more words – what do I mean.   The thought started in September with the post, Is Twitter just a massive game, the winner gets their 5kbits of fame from the best quibble of the day? The Shallows describes how we don’t concentrate and just skim in an F format.  We never take the time to understand what is being said.  But is this fault of the quick format content or our lack of time? Many new business models are about injecting “fun” into the equation for create engagement. Fun is quick We are changin...

The Sun coverage of "My Digital Footprint" and some tips on managing your digital footprint

Article from Lee Price @leepricejurno at The Sun   Dec 11th 2010 If you want to delete you Facebook account - follow this link If you want to search out what the Internet/web knows about you - follow this link Here are 31 new social rules for living in this digital age - presentation If you want to clean up your social networking site - here are some tips

The Sun coverage of "My Digital Footprint" and some tips on managing your digital footprint

Article from Lee Price @leepricejurno at The Sun   Dec 11th 2010 If you want to delete you Facebook account - follow this link If you want to search out what the Internet/web knows about you - follow this link Here are 31 new social rules for living in this digital age - presentation If you want to clean up your social networking site - here are some tips

The Sun coverage of "My Digital Footprint" and some tips on managing your digital footprint

Article from Lee Price @leepricejurno at The Sun   Dec 11th 2010 If you want to delete you Facebook account - follow this link If you want to search out what the Internet/web knows about you - follow this link Here are 31 new social rules for living in this digital age - presentation If you want to clean up your social networking site - here are some tips