Why #consent is the wrong word for digital; because it does not have an end.
For sometime it has been a wrestle as to why "consent" could be the wrong word. I have looked at a number of ways of exploring this thinking, but have failed to nail the "why." Here are a few previous blog exploring the thinking: Why the portability of consent is important is explored here Layered consent is like peeling an onion, only to find it is not an onion is explored here Why opt-in and opt-out are the beginnings of consent is explored here What level of consent is reasonable the balance of forgiveness vs approval is explored here So this thinking got me looking at when consent ends in the traditional sense of the word. Consent being that you provide your approval for something to happen. In the context it is used in law, consent is most often interrupted for the next action, next event or next period of time and once the event, time or action has passed the original consent is lapsed and new consent is sort. Consent cannot be assumed o